It (Imagination)

The mind travels far above the clouds,

where the skies are dark and the stars shone bright.


Flying through space and time,

Like a meteor exploding and flying out of control.

With no designated path it flew,

As the imagination starts to grow like wild fire.


It has no end nor beginning,

for it is as vast as the cosmos itself.

It merely depends on how far,

You are willing to let it fly and let its trails lead a way.

Never letting go of a child’s dream,

Was the only mistake i didn’t make for myself.

Because it has brought me to now,


Even though there ain’t nothing yet to see or believe,

It is still on its path, for it will go further than anything that has ever gone before.


All by Faith alone!

You can fail at what you don’t want,
So you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.


Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world,
Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through you

You wont be feeling the world, you will be felt by it and embraced by it


The imagination is always manufacturing scenarios both good and bad
but the ego tries to keep you trapped in the multiplex of the mind.

How tricky is this ego that it would temp us with something we already posses relax and dream up a good life

Let the universe know what you want,
and working towards it while
letting go of how it come to past.

Take a chance on faith,
Not religion but faith
Not hope but faith
I dont believe in Hope,
Hope is a beggar
hope walks through the fire and
Faith Leaps over it


You only have two choices in life
Love or fear,
Choose love and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.